A day in my life as a producer – director

I get asked all the time what I do as a producer – director. Here’s a quick video of my day where I was the producer at two shoots across Sydney.

  • 9am – I grab breakfast and my all important coffee, connect with our cinematographer Daniel Beleski and grab our equipment
  • 9.30am – we load the car, hit the road and head out to Parramatta to our first shoot
  • 11.30am – we film a short interview where I ask the questions on camera, digging for those content nuggets!
  • 12.30pm – Daniel and I hit the road and relocate to Sydney CBD and park in what I think is the tightest underground carpark in this city
  • 1.15pm – a quick lunch on Pitt St Mall
  • 2.30pm – we film another interview and I’m happy to say the content was outstanding. Really feeling the flow today.
  • 3.30pm – we head pack to our North Sydney office and pack away the gear. Better carpark this time, very happy about that.
  • 4pm – Daniel and I jump into the edit suite and by 530pm we’ve got our rough cuts done!

As a producer I’m very much like a project manager. I make sure that everything runs smoothly from start to finish of the video project and that the final video comes out looking fantastic. Here’s all the stuff I’m responsible for overseeing as a producer – all the preproduction, production and post production.

producer – directors at rocket productions

We have a team of high performing producers who create video content for clients just about anywhere in the world, check out our profile videos here. I’m just one of them, Rachel Hogan is another producer – director on our team.

At Rocket Productions though, just like myself, our producers are also directors and that’s why I call myself a ‘producer – director’. As a director I am deeply involved in meetings with our clients to understand their video production briefs, writing scripts, casting talent, doing location scouts to make sure they are the right setting within which to film our content and directing crew and cast and our video shoots.  We have an amazing editor on our team – Daniel Beleski (who’s also a cinematographer) and he has an uncanny ability to weave together the raw footage and add cool graphics to create outstanding videos.  Because he’s so good at what he does, I don’t have to ‘direct’ the post production heavily. I am responsible for what goes out the door though so I make sure that drafts and finals are super engaging and really hit the mark for my clients.

I really enjoy what I do as it helps me use different parts of my brain (often all at once!). Never a dull moment.

Hopefully this gives you a bit of insight into my role as a Producer – Director. If you’ve got any questions, just shoot me an note here or call 02 99552681.

Ajit Singh is the Executive Producer at Sydney based video production company Rocket Productions. 



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